Jan. 24-26, 2018 | Midyear Meeting
Omaha, NE
2018 Midyear Meeting
Meeting Overview
The Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee (TRMTC) met Jan. 24-26, 2017, in Omaha, Neb., at the Doubletree by Hilton Downtown hotel. This meeting brought together the TRMTC members with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management. Its composition offers a unique perspective on the broad range of issues surrounding the transportation or storage of radioactive materials and spent nuclear fuel. The NCSL provides staff support to this group through a cooperative agreement with the DOE.
Agenda Overview - Wednesday, January 24, 2018
U.S. Department of Energy Program Updates
Albert “Brandt” Petrasek – director, Tribal Programs, Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management
Current Status of Nuclear Waste Issues and Policy Development
Mike McBride, partner, Van Ness Feldman LLP | Presentation
NTSF-related Reports and Annual Meeting Updates
Updates on the upcoming NTSF Annual Meeting in Omaha, NE 2018.
Joanne Lawrence, director, Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management, Office of Packaging and Transportation
Demitrous Blount, program lead, National Transportation Stakeholders Forum (NTSF), Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management, Office of Packaging and Transportation
State Regional Group Updates
Chris Wells, assistant director, Nuclear Programs, Southern States Energy Board (SSEB)
Lisa Janairo, program manager, The Council of State Governments (CSG)- Midwest
Katelyn Tye, policy analyst, The Council of State Governments (CSG) - Midwest
Uldis Vanags, project director, The Council of State Governments (CSG) - Northeast
Melanie Snyder, attorney/policy analyst, High-Level Radioactive Waste Program, Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB)
Federal Railroad Administration Updates
Lawrence (Mel) Massaro, railroad safety specialist, Radioactive Materials/Hazardous Materials, Federal Railroad Administration
Jeffery Moore, railroad safety specialist, Hazardous Materials, Federal Railroad Administration
Mark Maday, staff director, Federal Railroad Administration
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Updates and Q&A
Stuart Easson, tribal liaison, Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Presentation
David Pstrak, branch chief, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Gerry Jackson, transportation security specialist, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Agenda Overview - Thursday, January 25
TRMTC Executive Session
BNSF Tribal Relations and Railroad Safety
Chris Howell, director, tribal development, BNSF Railway Company | Presentation
Tribal Roundtable Discussion
Participants provided brief updates on meetings they have attended, as well as a discussion of current transportation topics or interest areas for his/her respective tribe. Topics of conversation may focus on transportation of radioactive waste, emergency response and preparedness, or other items of interest.
NCSL Updates
Quarterly report and discussion of the work plan for 2018-2019, DOE information request
NTSF 2018 closing plenary discussion - Emergency response to highway shipments and working with tribal reservations
Officer Brad Wagner, sergeant, Carrier Enforcement Division, Nebraska State Highway Patrol
WIPP Updates
James Mason, manager, Institutional Affairs, Department of Energy, Carlsbad Field Office
TRANSCOM Orientation and Training
Anthony Memmo, program manager, Seneca Nation
Tribal Business Session
Agenda Overview - Friday, January 26
NTSF 2019 Planning Committee Session
Tribal Transportation Webinar Brainstorming Session
Francis “Chip” Cameron, consultant, The Zero Gravity Group LLC