Jan. 26-27, 2022 | Midyear Meeting San Diego, CA
2022 Midyear Meeting
Meeting Overview
The Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee (TRMTC) held its Midyear Meeting Jan. 26-27, 2022, in San Diego, CA. The meeting included one day of meetings and was followed by a tour of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) near Pendleton, CA.
Participants List
DOE Office of Environmental Management - Julia Shenk & Ellen Edge, DOE-EM
DOE Office of Nuclear Energy - Erica Bickford, DOE-NE
DOE Consent-Based Siting - Kathryn Huff, DOE & Kimberly Petry, DOE-NE
NRC Program Updates - Kevin Williams, NRC
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Updates - Bobby St. John, Nuclear Waste Partnership & James Mason, DOE Carlsbad Field Office
DOE Draft Railcar Safety Inspection Protocol Updates - Steve Maheras, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Overview - Manuel Camargo, Jr., Southern California Edison
DOE Nuclear Power Plant Site Evaluations Overview - Steve Maheras, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory