Jan. 23-25, 2019 | Midyear Meeting
Arlington, VA
2019 Midyear Meeting
Meeting Overview
The Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee (TRMTC) held its mid-year meeting on Jan. 23-25, 2019 at the Westin Crystal City hotel in Arlington, Va. TRMTC engages tribal governments interested in or impacted by the broad spectrum of the Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear energy activities related to shipments of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019
Welcome and Overview
Opening prayer
Overview of meeting priorities
TRMTC Business Session
This session was only open to TRMTC members, and NCSL staff
TRMTC Executive Committee Updates
NCSL Updates and TRMTC accomplishments report
FY19 action plan review and updates
Tribal Transportation White Paper
TRMTC meeting priorities
DOE Program Updates
Jay Jones, physical scientist, DOE-NE
Brandt Petrasek, director of Tribal Programs, DOE-EM
DOE, Office of Environmental Management – Office of Packaging and Transportation Updates
Demitrous Blount, NTSF lead, DOE-EM-OPT | Combined Presentation
Ellen Edge, TEPP program manager, DOE-EM- OPT
Joe Martinez, transportation specialist, DOE-EM-OPT
Tribal Roundtable Discussion
Participants provided brief updates on meetings they have attended and discussed current transportation topics of his/her respective tribe. Topics of the conversation focused on the transportation of radioactive waste, emergency response and preparedness.
Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019
State Regional Group Updates
SSEB – Chris Wells, assistant director, Nuclear Programs
CSG - Midwest – Lisa Janairo, program director
CSG - Northeast – Uldis Vanags, project director
WIEB - Melanie Snyder, program manager, High-Level Radioactive Waste
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Environment and Safety Review, Decommissioning Process
NRC’s Tribal Program Update and CISF Status and Next Steps:
Sandra Talley, senior liaison project manager
Cinthya Roman, chief, Environmental Review Branch | Presentation
NRC decommissioning process and facility status:
Jack Parrott, senior project manager, Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery, and Waste Programs, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Proposed decommissioning rule:
Dan Doyle, project manager, Division of Rulemaking, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards | Presentation
Development of a generic environmental impact statement for decommissioning:
Jessie Quintero, project manager, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards and Environmental Review, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards | Presentation
Holtec International
Myron Kaczmarsky, senior director of Holtec Government Services | Handout 1 - HI-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility | Handout 2 - Record of Transportation of Used Nuclear Fuel
Federal Agency Panel Discussion on Transportation Route Planning – criteria, processes and notification
Jeff Moore, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Gerard Jackson, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) | Presentation
Robert Fronczak, Association of American Railroads (AAR)
Nuclear Energy Institute – Tabletop Exercise Preview
Mark Richter, Nuclear Energy Institute | Presentation
Friday, Jan. 25, 2019
NTSF 2019 Annual Meeting Action Planning Session