Jan. 18-19, 2023 | Midyear Meeting San Antonio, TX
Meeting Overview
The Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee (TRMTC) held its Midyear Meeting Jan. 18-19, 2023, in San Antonio, TX.
Participants List
Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management - Ellen Edge, DOE-EM
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Updates - Bobby St. John, Nuclear Waste Partnership & James Mason, DOE Carlsbad Field Office
DOE Office of Nuclear Energy - Erica Bickford & Gerry Jackson, DOE-NE
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program - Heather Frey, FEMA
Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) Overview - Ken Keaton, TEPP Contractor / Technical Resources Group
Southwest Research Institute Overview and Community Preparedness and Planning Framework - Miriam Juckett, Southwest Research Institute
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Updates - Mark Maday, Mel Massaro, & Jeff Moore, FRA
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program Overview - Chris Henvit, Naval Reactors Idaho Branch Office
Prairie Island Indian Community (PIIC) Dose Transportation Risk Assessment Study - Steve Maheras, PNNL, Ron Johnson, PIIC, & Heather Westra, PIIC
Additional Resources
DOE's Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) and TEPP Handout
Department of Transportation (DOT) Discretionary Grant Funding Opportunities
Federal Railroad Administration's Safety Coordination and Compliance Oversight Plan
Federal Railroad Administration's State Rail Safety Participation Program
Graphic of Federal Agencies Involved in the Transportation of Radioactive Materials